Copy the application form below and post it in order to apply for residence. Keep the description of your residence within the confines of the region; no luxurious Penthouse suited in Suicide Slums, no ghettos in Gotham Heights.
St. Martin's Island:There are only two condominium structures, each fifteen stories high; every level is a single apartment structure, designed to provide the finest in comfort. With wall-to-floor, one-way windows that can tint against the sunlight on command, and every possible enhancement and feature, these apartments are the height of class.
Alternatively, there are the estates; mansions, oft surrounded by massive lawns and fenced off against intrusion, the size and shapes of these homes vary wildly, as they are often constructed to-order by whatever millionaire mongol is moving in.
[i]Residence Description; include whatever details you feel are pertinent, from the floor it's on, to the rooms it has, to the sort of decor it possesses. Alternatively, you can use a photo, but to cut down on thread length, only one image may be used, and don't make it very tall.[/i]
Last Edit: Jul 25, 2014 19:33:36 GMT by Clark Kent